On Saturday, October 18th, at the Nymburk Sports Center, 12 teams from 9 countries competed in the 1st Championship of The Czech Republic.
A total of 48 matches were played. It was an amazing tournament with many great matches – but most of all full of joy and fair play! The team of Portugal was a pioneer in this category which led to them winning the Fair Play award!

Individual awards were also presented to the most outstanding players:
- Best player – Pedro Figueiredo
- Best female player – Saša Kosec from Slovenia
- Top Scorer – Kristián Oračko from Slovakia (19 goals)
- Best goalkeeper – Raymond Eseme from Czechia A
- Youngest player – Joco Rodriges from Portugal
We would like to thank the organizers – Dětský domov Dolní Počernice – for the wonderful atmosphere and great organization.
We hope to see you in the Czech Republic next year!