Sarnów team becoming the Polish Champion once again!

Close to 60 thousand zloty for children from care homes!

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Close to 60 thousand zloty will be allocated for sports equipment for children from care homes!

How beautiful and wonderful things can happen when one person sees another.

Thanks to a charity fundraising event organised together with the Polish Anti-Doping Agency, we will dedicate nearly PLN 60,000 to the purchase of sports equipment for children from care homes!

During the grand finale of the 4th edition of the “Biegam z czystą przyjemnością” (“I Run with Pure Pleasure”) campaign, the director of the Polish Anti-Doping Agency, Michał Rynkowski, handed over a symbolic check to the president of the Hope for Mundial Association, Sylwester Trześniewski.

This symbolic donation, totaling precisely 58 647,03 złoty will be divided and distributed to support as many care homes as possible.

At the Silesian Stadium, at the invitation of the Polish Anti-Doping Agency, football players from Sarnów also appeared – the current Polish Champions of Children from Care Homes in Football, along with their coach, Tomasz Hałat.

Close to 60 thousand zloty for children from care homes!
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