I invite everyone to the 13th Football Championship of Poland of Children from Care Homes and the Championship of Ukraine of Children from Care Homes!
When we created the Championship of Poland 13 years ago, I did not expect that we would also organize Championship of Ukraine. Unfortunately, our friends in Ukraine experienced the worst thing: war. That is why we have to help them and we organized the Championship of Ukraine. This is a difficult time for everyone. First, we experienced a pandemic, and then the war broke out in Ukraine. But remember that there is also football, a game that connects millions around the world. It gives the joy of life, the possibility of real struggle and competition who is the best, but for the weakest ones, it gives the opportunity to be the best through training. It is a great sport that allows you to forget about troubles.
We organized training sessions for children from Ukraine in the Conference and Training Center Ossa, in which there are about 600 children. The beginning was difficult because during the training the children looked at their phones every now and then, listening to the news from the front, if everyone is alive and if everything was okay. After some time, they forgot about the war, started smiling and stopped looking at their phones. They experienced the magic of football. It was a wonderful experience that they forgot about their troubles for a while. They were just ordinary kids who competed on the pitch like every other child.
We are happy that we have guests, but let’s not forget about the selection of the Champion of Poland, who will receive a car for use, as every year. Then, as usual, we will select a team that will represent our country. I expect a great competition and I am very curious who will win!
I invite all 80 coaches who, thanks to our initiative, received licences allowing for professional football training, to help children from care homes to increase their skills. I would like to share great information – thanks to the UEFA Foundation for Children, a Mobile Football Academy was established, led by the national team’s coach, Krzysztof Kot. As we remember, Krzysztof won the only title of the World Champion of Children from Care Homes for Poland in 2013. I invite anyone who would like to participate in training sessions of the Polish national team coach. Call and write from your facilities. It is possible that Krzysiek will come to you to conduct practice.
I invite everyone to the Championship. Expect many surprises and attractions. See you on June 5 at the Hutnik Stadium!
Andrzej Lisiak,
the Championship originator